I did Astrology Consultation and Tarot Reading for one of my new clients via virtual Zoom… She lives in Seattle, Washington, US. At first, she was so scared when she approached me for a reading as she said that she just had an Astrology Reading done with one Astrologer and that she was told that something very bad will happen to her in the years 2022-2023. When I did her Solar Return for 2021 – 2023, and checked the upcoming transits and Progressed charts, I told her that there’s nothing to worry about as the configurations of the transitting planets in 2023 in her chart were not that bad… She felt relieved… She even asked me to do a Tarot Reading for her, to confirm the Astrology Consultation… I had goosebumps when I did Tarot on her – my intuition/Psychic/Clairvoyance powers were very strong that time… Also, I saw her in my dream, prior to the day of my reading on her (I dream every night; I dreamt the Sept 11 bombing; the Japan Tsunami, the COVID-19, Death of Steve Job, Death of my mother, brothers, aunts, and friends… I dreamt of Jesus, Mama Mary, and Pope Francis…I am highly Psychic, as shown in my birth chart… God Bless Us All!🙏💖 https://heavenlyguidedastrologer.com